Delivery Date: Thursday, March 21st, 2024
Delivery Start Time: 07:00 AM
Delivery End Time: 07:00 PM
Delivery Address: 4100 Plantation Dr Benbrook, TX 76116
Dropoff Area: Front Door
Building Type: House
Pickup Date: Monday, March 25th, 2024
Pickup Start Time: 07:00 AM
Pickup End Time: 07:00 PM
Pickup Address: 4100 Plantation Dr Benbrook, TX 76116
Pickup Area: Front Door
Event Type: Not Selected
If you decide to cancel your rental, or weather prohibits installation, we do not issue refunds for any reason but will hold your funds as a rain-check. The funds are valid for 1 year to be used anytime you wish starting the day after your original event date. All deposits are non-refundable even if related to Covid-19 or any other disaster.
Please note the office is closed on Sunday. Any deliveries before 9:00 am and after 5:00 pm Monday - Friday and Saturday 9:00 am and after 1:00 pm are considered “after hour” services at an after hr delivery rate fee. If you need your items picked up on a specific day and time this has to be arranged when you place your order not with the driver. Rentals will only be delivered either to the garage if alley is not available to access the back yard, or front door or front garage door (if the only access to your backyard is through a side gate the drivers will not take the items to the back yard and will only drop off by that gate as it is very difficult to roll carts through grass) for residence deliveries. Dance floors and tents will be set up. Extra fee may apply if our delivery guys have to walk 50ft or more from where the delivery truck/van is located to where the items need to be dropped off – or if they have to take items up the stairs, this fee will be assessed at the drivers’ discretion upon arrival to deliver if it is not specified at reservation time.If the delivery is to a business/commercial location and the drivers have to go up any amount of stairs or the freight elevators are more than 20ft from where the truck driver can unload or if the suite they are dropping off at is far from the elevator once they reach your floor you may be charged an extra charge. for pickup please leave your items outside in a area where the driver can pickup the items.